What are you Wondering?
You’ll make friends in no time. Each camper will be assigned a squad of 6 to 8 other guys, led by a Squad Leader. You’ll do everything together: get outfitted, bring food, set up camp, compete and generally solve problems. You are going to be good friends with your sqaud by the time this trip is over.
Nope. Each man needs to commit (because that’s what men do) to this and reserve their own spot. Plus, everybody has to sign the waiver electronically. Do you trust your buddy to sign your life away? Just saying. If a buddy needs a scholarship, you can help provide that.
Yes, you can register for AZ MAN CAMP as a group (up to 7 guys per group) and camp together in the same squad. You can designate one of your group members as your Squad Leader, or one can be assigned to you. More details once you register.
The minimum age for AZ MAN CAMP is 18. We know there are lots of 15-year-old men (and 40-year-old boys), but the law of our state says you’re an adult at 18, and AZ MAN CAMP is an adults-only adventure.
Tents This is Man Camp, not Dad Camp
From Friday afternoon/evening to Sunday afternoon. Squads travel up and back together, no one comes late, and no one leaves early
Cool. You’ll still love it. There will be plenty of other guys there, just like you. Man Camp is meant to get you out of your comfort zone, because Real Change doesn’t happen in Comfort Zones. And we can all use some growth in our live, wouldn’t you agree? AZ MAN CAMP includes intentional spiritual content, but its application goes beyond four walls and a steeple. We know you’ll still get something out of it. Trust us.
Alcohol will not be provided, but it is allowed. Alcohol is not the focus of the event, but it is common among guys around camp fires. Getting drunk will not be tolerated, at all! We understand that some guys are at different stages of recovery from addiction and we don’t want to be a stumbling block. One part of being a man, is knowing what environments will help/hurt your recovery.
This trip is an All or Nothing adventure. There are many elements that contribute to the whole experience and traveling as a squad is one of them. Additionally as we are engaged in the weekend, we don’t want the distraction of those coming up late or leaving early. We’ve made the registration window very long so everyone has the ability to make the necessary arrangements.
You will not be refunded after registration. If you cancel, we’ll give your spot to someone on the waiting list, And your registration fee will provide another guy with a scholarship.
Each squad of up to 7 guys is led by a Squad Leader. This person is responsible for communicating with the squad leading up to camp, coordinating who is bringing what, and leading your squad through the weekend. If you’re interested in being a Squad Leader, designate it on your registration. You’ll then be invited to 2 Squad Leader training sessions after registration closes.
Ingress will be available from 1600-1830. If you arrive early you’ll be directed to a staging area until 1600. As long as you are inside the gate by 1830, you’re good. Your entire squad must be present to set up camp. All that to say, get off work by noon, and be ready to go with your squad some time between 1-2pm.
No problem. This trip is all about getting outside your comfort zone. It’s designed to challenge and encourage everyone, whether you’ve camped for decades or don’t own a tent (yet). Your squad leader is there to ensure that everyone has what they need, and works together to make the weekend one that will have an impact on your life.
We will have multiple medics (Dr, Nurse, PA, EMT) on site with supplies and equipment to deal with most medical emergencies. Payson is 30 minutes away with full medical facilities.
If it rains we’ll probably get wet. Snow is a lot like rain, but colder. Mid September at 7500 ft, in Arizona, anyone’s guess on the weather. But it will be better than camping in July/August in AZ. And there shouldn’t be any fire restrictions at this time of year.
We’ll have a way for your family to reach you (and you them) if there’s an emergency. And by emergency we don’t mean the cable goes out or Buster wins his football game.
As men who are resourceful, If you are traveling from out of town, you are responsible to arrange your own transportation with your team. The nearest airport to our BASE CAMP is the Sky Harbor Airport (PHX) which is approximately 2 hours away. There is a smaller regional airport, Williams Gateway (AZA) with limited service options (Allegiant, Flair, Swoop, Sun Country, WestJet) Keep in mind this event runs Friday at 1600 until Sunday around 1300. You will want to plan flights around that time frame, factoring in travel to and from the property.